Sunday, November 28, 2010

How's Your Progress Coming?

Well, I've gotta say it.  I spent one straight hour in this room and couldn't believe how much I accomplished.  I have a super dooper short attention span so one hour on one project is a big deal.  Going through the stuff, I realized most of it just needed organized.  It's amazing how organizing one's "stuff," even if you aren't throwing anything out, makes a room feel so much better.  So, take a look at the

This photo makes me feel cranky.  I flipped it and uploaded it THREE times, but each time it came up sideways.  Grrrr!  Now, if you can hold on, I'm gonna take a picture of what it looks like right now:

Okay, so this angle doesn't look so hot cause I didn't even touch the one wall.  Here, let me take another picture and you can see the progress I'm talking about from another angle:

No, I don't think I'm almost done, but it's nice to see the floor.  This isn't the only corner I worked on. 
Now check this out.  You won't believe the transformation.  I had to use the table for the craft fair and also for Thanksgiving so the items that were resting here had to find new homes:

You're wondering where I put everything, aren't you?  Well, when I went through one of the containers, I found several of my children's toys in it so I relocated them to their proper location.  I also found some curtains, which look awesome in my room.
The rod was already there and since we are renting this place, I didn't feel like making more holes in the wall to put the curtains lower.  I didn't even notice it until I looked at this picture.

Items under my desk include a printer, harddrive, broken strapped bag, tote of material/clothes and my Pampered Chef business supplies.  Stuff on the right---well, they are things I need to figure out cause they currently don't have a home. 

So, are guys impressed?!!  I'm glad I've kept this room cleaned.  I've had several children come over and discover all the amazingly fun things in there.  That always makes me nervous cause I'm not really sure how much exploring they will do.  Not too bad.

Alright, so this is what I'm going to start doing this week and every Sunday thereafter.  Sunday will be my update week.  I'll show the pictures of how the room is doing.  I'd also love to see what progress you are making.  Start small.  Perhaps it's one of the kitchen cupboards....or under the bathroom sink.  Maybe it's just a drawer in your dressar.  Doesn't matter to me, just show me what you're working on and I'd love to see your what you're up to.  So link up your projects, your rooms, your whatever.  Hopefully, I've inspired you to start using up your stash. 

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  1. That is fine if you want to do a giveaway of the Christmas Activity book. You can email me at


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