Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Week One

Let me just start out by saying that the progress has been slow but steady.  I still don't have any shelves up for my baskets so all I can do is stuff things into existing totes.  The only thing that got organized is the stacking of the boxes.  That said, here's what the room looked like at the beginning:
And here is a picture of what it looks like now:

There's still SO much.  I'm hoping to use a day this week just to find things I can donate.  Let's face it, not everything things to be redone.  There's plenty that's great as it is, but just not great in my house.  So the goal, fill up one of the boxes I used for moving in and and move it on OUT to Salvation Army.  I'll let you know how I did next week.


  1. Wow that's an amazing difference - well done :)

  2. Is your window growing taller or has storage containers become the new window treatment? Im never up to date with the trends. ;)


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