Monday, November 22, 2010

Week Two

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Well, I'm quite pleased with the progress of this room.  I've been super busy so haven't been able to organize the mess yet, but at least a lot of it is off the floor.  We had our carpets cleaned.  That helped me expedite the process.

I found my shelves in the garage, but need to empty out the closet so I can put the bigger shelves in.  Not sure if I'm ready to deal with that.  With Thanksgiving being this week, we'll see if I tackle that.


  1. Oh wow, you're making great progress. Good for you. I just came across your blog somehow and really love the whole idea here :) Now a new follower of yours!

  2. Excellent progress! Oh man, I'm so busy- then I started to declutter. The result is a house of CHAOS. I can't wait for the long weekend to clean, clean, purge, and clean some more!

    I'm a new follower :) Let's inspire each other to clean and organize the craft-mess!


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