Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Another cd redo

 I did this particular project by the fly of my pants.  I had no idea from one step to the next what was going to happen.  Lucky you-you get to follow me on my, "What was she thinking?!!" adventure.  Oops!  I took a break while my pictures were uploading and realized the correct way to say what I meant was, "Fly by the seat of my pants."  Anyway, back to the reason for this post.  Here's the finished project.  Pictures never do it justice.  Oh, well.

So, sitting in my lovely, now a bit messy room, I pulled out a cd and thought, "Hmmmm....I'm gonna do something with this. 

 I look at this picture and think it would make an excellent wreath, but I didn't do that.  Nope, instead I shoveled through one of my baskets and found this:
I hot glued the first layer (don't do this, it's just plain stupid).  I dumped a bunch of mod podge on the top layer.  In retrospect, this could have been done better.  So now I had this:

I admit, it's a bit tacky looking.  So I got to thinking, "What am I going to do with this tacky cd now covered with confetti?  Oooh!  I had a the perfect item:

Somehow, I would make this project worthy of display.  So I pulled out's that didn't clash with my tacky cd, and played around a bit.  I put the cd in the middle but it wasn't enough.  Maybe a ribbon?  Nah.  Oooh!  I have Christmas stickers from several years ago.  I could use those to anchor my tacky cd to the frame.  So, there you have it.
Now it doesn't look nearly so bad....


  1. What a creative idea. I love how it turned out.

  2. I know, it's true :). I've gotta find another medium.

  3. Wow - very cute!! I am just not very creative! I would never in a million years even think of this!

  4. Great! I love the words written around it...what program did you use for it? I love things for the wall even if I don't actually put them on the wall!

  5. That is very clever!

    Thanks for sharing...Happy Holidays!


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