Monday, December 13, 2010

Book turned Clock

I got this idea while watching Studio 5 (Utah) about a year ago and couldn't wait to try it out.  I loved the result!
I have a ton of old books.  I chose one that I thought would work well and used a screw driver to drill the hole where I wanted the clock to go.  I followed the instructions that came with the actual clock dials and that was it.  Easy.  I'm sure a drill would have made it even easier.  Oh, well.


  1. I love this idea! So simple but with a big impact. Thanks for sharing this idea at my linky party!

  2. I have never seen anything like this. Very unique, attractive and a fun twist on a timeless item. Very simple sounding which I like!

    Elisabeth @ Treasuring the

  3. So cool! I have lots of readers in my family, so I'm going to have to bookmark this as a future gift idea...

  4. What a great idea!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  5. That's a really fun idea. We have kind of a vintage theme going in our gameroom/playroom and that would be so cute! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Saw this over at Tatertots weekend wrap up party -- i've got to say, this is one of the most unique 'repurposing' projects i've ever seen, and i love it! Cheers, Anne

  7. I love making these--thanks for sharing! It turned out great.


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