This is Friday's post, but I had to post it early. Hope I'm not throwing you all off.
I figured I had better craft something up. I found a use for one of my frames. The bonus is that I can use it for multiple purposes. Before I give it away the surprise, let me show you the steps I went through:
I had to decide which frame to use.
At first I grabbed the smaller one. I quickly realized that it wouldn't be nearly big enough to hold the amount of cards whatevers (ooh, I almost gave it away) I was wanting it to, so I went back and grabbed the larger frame.
I then had to decide which color paint I wanted. I went for red because, well, it's Christmas. I didn't have a lot of reds to choose from. I would have gone for a darker hue, but I'm using what I have. Then I put a coat onto just the top layer of my frame. There are a couple reasons for this.
- I didn't know if I'd have enough paint (I probably would have).
- I really like the cream color that's already on there.
- I might repaint for another occassion.
- I'm lazy.
So I painted.
Just one layer. Then, I pulled out the sander I found with my cleaning supplies. I have no idea when I bought it (it would have been long before I moved here) or even why I bought it....or IF I bought. Either way, I have it now and I pulled it out.
Not the best sanding job; I'll grant you that, I'm not sure what look I was going for. The next step is easy and could be done in a number of ways. I happen to have these hooks you can screw right into your wall or frame or whatever you might need it for. I thought about using nails, but this seemed sturdier. I cut some green floral wire I had and measured about two inches longer on each end (4 inches total, but I wasn't actually measuring...just eyeballing). I pulled it tight and wrapped the excess around the hook.
I made 3 rows, but I might adjust that and add rows inbetween each of the ones I currently have. I wasn't sure where to put it, but did some rearranging and here it sits (at least for today):
No, those are not cards from people who are on the ball this year. Those are just props I pulled out of my stash. But I am excited to put the real things on. As great as e-cards are, I prefer the real thing...with the picture and brag letter to go with it. And if you are wondering, the P E are stocking holders and since there are 5 of us (yes, Mom and Dad get stockings too), P E A C E was perfect for us. Nice, right?!!
Yea! Another successful craft and that frame has officially moved on to greener pastures (out of that room, which, to be honest, isn't so bad anymore). I can actually use the table or floor to craft on now.
I will be linking this here:

Here's what others are using to hold their cards:
LOVE this idea!! It's super cute and it looks great!
i love this! so simple, and yet, so perfect. it becomes it's own little holiday decor!
Great idea!!
Hi there- I found you through the friday blog hop and am your newest follower :) It would be great if you stopped by and returned the love!
Nice idea and well-executed and as you said - it can be used for other purposes.
good idea! we did something similar for super saturday one year...we hot glued small clothes pins to a huge embrodery hoop. (alternating facing in & out)
very simple and practical. great job.
Thanks for linking up.
have a great weekend,
Very cool card holder. I've been looking for an idea for my cards. I might just have to make one like this.
Great frugal idea. Thanks for checking out my glittered bedspring trees.
I'm now your newest follower and hopefully we can recover from our craft hoarding together!
Hi Lyndee! I'm dropping by to say thank you so very much for whatever, super, fantastic award you are giving me Tuesday. I can't wait, and am so excited and honored. Thank you!
Strolling thru your posts and found this awesome card holder. Well, I love it and I will be definitely making one, and posting it when I get it done and will link back to your link! I think I saw one a couple years ago in Ballard Designs and it was of course expensive and yours is just as cute. Okay, enough rambling. Talk to you soon!
Hello! This is just adorable!
I love seeing all of the ways people hang their cards. Mine are still in a stack. Thanks for sharing this!
I like that idea...cute!
super cute idea! Love it! visiting from the CSI Project!
Cute idea! I saw the light bulb card holder you posted -- I was like whaaaa because I posted one just like it on my blog The one I modeled it from was from Lillian Vernon. Talk soon -- I'm a new follower! My Top 20 blog said I got a few hits from your site so I came to check it out! (
Loving the simplicity of it! I think you could clothespin snapshots to it and leave it up all year.
This is fantastic!! Thanks for sharing.
This is fantastic!! Thanks for sharing.
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