Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Having Fun with a Budget

To be honest, I've been pretty good about sticking to a very tight budget for the past....while.  I'm excited for February because we've already bought and paid for all things we were saving for so now I can adjust my budget.  Meaning, we can spend more on groceries and actually GO OUT both as a family and also as a couple (date night?  what's that?!!).  So, to celebrate, I made myself some money envelopes.  I've seen a variety of versions out there.  Some people use coupon organizers.  While that is fun, it wasn't fun enough.  I pulled out some of my favorite papers from Cosmo Cricket (I LLLLLLOOOOOVVVVEEEE this line) and here's what I came up with:

I added some tabs that I've picked up at a garage sale this summer.  They just snap on.  I sewed up the sides and left the top untouched so I slip in the green.  I think my 5-yr-old took the picture of the sewing machine, so I had to include it.   I used alphabet stickers to write what each envelope was for (groceries, gas, fun, misc (expenses)).  I tried writing with markers, but the tabs were too dark and nothing I had showed up.  They are fun to carry around and I can't wait to put some money in them.


  1. I have fabric envelopes that I made and just haven't sewn yet! Need to get on that :) If you have a chance I'd love for you to come link up to handmade tuesdays @ ladybug blessings.

  2. Such a great idea to keep budgeting more fun. I need to do this. Thanks for linking to We're Organized Wednesday.


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