Saturday, January 8, 2011

Window Seats

I adore window seats.  Wouldn't it be awesome to have a room in your home that looked like this?  I just looked and drooled.  girls bedroom has cottage garden stylejudiackerman window seatvalencich striped window seatwindow seat in dining roomart-room-closet-aftersun room flooded with natural light


  1. Gorgeous! We were going to put one in in our bedroom at one time but that never happened. I'd love to have one though! You could make a ton of storage space under the seat.

  2. so your next project is to switch the craft room & geneva's room, so that she can have an adorable room?

  3. Haha! No way! That room is such an odd shape (craft room) that I can't think of a way to fit her bed in there without blocking a door. That's why I have the boys staying in our bonus room (even though there's no closet).


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