Monday, February 7, 2011

Flower Power Crayons

I've seen similar projects all over blogland but thought I'd try my own twist at it. I pulled out my Pampered Chef Silicon cupcake sheet and set to work by lightly spraying my "flowers."

I had a couple helpers when I start out peeling the crayons but quickly lost my daughter and her friend to better pastures. When my boys got home from school, I enlisted their help and made great progress. I tried just using the broken crayons and sorting by colors. If I noticed we were short on a color, I used an unbroken crayon. I gotta say, I'm finally glad that I saved all those restaurant crayons. I just hated the thought of them throwing perfectly usable crayons away, so I would stuff them in my purse, hoping I would find a use for my rather large stash of crayons (this is only half of what we have)

I melted the crayons for 15-20 minutes in the oven at 275 degrees. Once my buzzer went off, I set the crayons in the garage to harden. I figured they would be safer there than in the freezer or fridge.

Because I was working with silicon, I was able to just "pop" out my flowered crayons. It was so heavenly easy. If you live nearby, I would gladly loan you my pan.

My 10-yr-old son took several to school and all his friends wanted one. Now he knows what he's doing for Valentine's Day. Score!

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  1. cute! I'm going to give hearts to my preschoolers.

  2. How pretty!

    Could you add wicks to make them into candles?

  3. Britt, if I had a heart mold, I would totally use that!

    I wonder if I could add wicks. I don't see why not. That would be so fun.

  4. WE have done this but never with flowers. they look wonderful!

  5. Well, those are the lovliest crayons I've seen. :) good job.

  6. They turned out so great! I'd love for you to come share at Fun For Kids Friday.

    Jo @ SmileMonsters

  7. Really cute! I make crayons for my Etsy shop. I've found that the cheapy crayons leave a layer of clear, yucky wax on top. But they turned out great!

    Visiting from Serenity Now!

  8. Love that you thought to use the flowers! Very clever and cute! Kerri

  9. SO pretty! I love the idea of using these as classroom or birthday favors in thematic shapes. I shared this post on my Friday Favorites! Thank you for the great idea!

  10. I've seen many ways to do this, but I think this is by far my favorite! Nice work, girl!

    Visiting from Serenity Now!

  11. They are beautiful crayon flowers, great give-aways too for valentines day.

  12. Those turned out so nicely!! I am so bad about throwing crayons away. I always say I'll save them for something like this, but then they just end up as clutter. I love the shapes you guys did...these would be great gifts. :)

    Thanks for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party! Have fun finding some new reads, and I hope you'll visit Serenity Now again soon. :)


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