Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thrifty Finds

I had a little bit of thrift store fun this month.  For date night a couple weeks ago, I had my husband take me to Salvation Army before we ate.  It was only 15 minutes till closing, but that was okay.  I'm a quick shopper.  I quickly browsed the shelves looking for something that screamed, "BUY ME!!!"  I'm cheap by nature, so if the price tag wasn't to my likings, the item, no matter how cool, got passed up.

I saw this shadow shelf/box.  It was only 95 cents so I knew it was worth the investment.  We wouldn't take much imagination to make something great from it.

I also found a couple other items, but they are still waiting their potential.

We went again on Monday.  My son was looking for a particular shirt.  We didn't find the shirt, but he did find two pairs of wranglers.  One day I'll have to do a post about this kid.  He has more personality than any other 8-year-old boy.  He leaves an impression. 

Back to me.  After he found his pants, tried them on and decided he would buy them, I was allowed to look around.  I found this wooden doll for another 95 cents.  It was SO cool and couldn't be passed least by me.  That's all I got though, so I was good.


I put my two items together and got this:





  1. What a great find. I love the doll. I'm your newest follower. It would be great if you could stop by my blog Monday and add your project to The More The Merrier Link Party.

  2. Wow what a sweet doll and now she has the perfect little place! I wish I had a more creative mind. I try to hit up our local salvation army to scope things out that I can "play" with and I can never open my mind enough to think of anything! One day it will hit me one day! LOL!


  3. Is it weird that I love that little red coat and would totally wear it?? ;) Neat shelf too!

    Thank you so much for linking up with my Weekend Bloggy Reading party. :) Have fun finding a new blog friend or two, and I hope you'll visit Serenity Now again soon. :)


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