Wednesday, May 18, 2011

And the Winner is.....

Sorry no pictures to prove it.  I've got to leave for the library so I'm using and hope that you'll trust me on this one....

And the winner of the amazingly wonderful bookmark, handmade from me, hoping to enhance all your reading experiences is..............

 A Bee In My Bonnet - Leslie Annesaid...

Oh how cute! I would adore one! Right now I'm reading Debbie Macomber's 'A Turn in the Road'. Funny book. Another one, kind of a constantly updating one, is 'Praying God's Will for My Son' by Lee Roberts.

Congratulations, Leslie Anne!  Please email me with your contact information.

1 comment:

  1. Oh thank you Lyndee! I've already sent you my info. I can't wait to get it - I'm currently out of state & won't go home for another week, so it'll beat me there! A little something to look forward to upon my return! Thank you again! Leslie Anne


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