Friday, May 27, 2011

Elementary Graduation

For all of you experiencing your last week of school, you will understand what I'm talking about when I say, "I'm exhausted!"  

Baseball 4 times this week.

Last Blast (outdoor field games)

Pack Meeting (oldest received his Arrow of Light award and I'm a den leader)



It doesn't end yet.  Tomorrow there's a breakfast for my son's 5th grade class to celebrate elementary school graduation.  I was smart and signed up for juice.  I can handle juice.  


The ceremony is right after and then I can go home and take a short nap.  Short, cause I still got to pack for our weekend trip to Utah (my sister has been in the Dominican Republic for the last year and a half and got home Thursday night) and then wake up at 5:00 am to set up for Bountiful Baskets

I am so tired!  But it's all good.  One day I will miss the crazy busyness that is my life.


  1. those are all wonderful things you are doing! good idea signing up for juice! ps, I loooovvveeed my 'graduation breakfast!' It was so fun!

  2. SUMMER is out great reward!.....right? lol Hope you enjoy being back in Utah for a day or two!!


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