Wednesday, October 19, 2011

One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure


I purchased this wooden ladder at some yard sale some moves back.  I love it but I haven't done too much with it.  In fact, I've had family members secretly put it in the trash and I fished it out--but I LOVE IT and knew there was potential in this piece.

It's a piece of art in progress.  I'm adding one element of design at a time.  

For my first step, I found some cute paper from Close to My Heart.

I cut it to size using the area between the ladders rungs as my measurement.

Got out the double-sided tape.  Mind you, I don't want this to be permanent.  I'd love to change it for the season/holidays.  

And I have step one done.

Eventually something will go in the center of each square, but for now, I've added a little color to some otherwise plain walls.  And being the person I am, have made it easy to change out when I become bored with the patterns.

Any suggestions for the centers?  I'm open to suggestions.  


  1. that is such a good idea. you could put flowers, leaves, pictures, letters, etc in the middle

  2. thank you for stopping by EMI and leaving a comment on "Our Summer Roundup" I also like find things and reusing them, I actually took the back's off of three old antique chairs and used them for wall decorations.

  3. OH I love this!!!!
    :) You don't realize what it is until you really look at it, or read your post. Great job :)

  4. A silhouette of each of your kids' faces!


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