Guess where I'm headed today. I've got an appointment with the principal. Actually, I set up this meeting. I have three children, the oldest is in sixth grade. I've never met with the principal about one of my kids before. It's always been about PTO's and fundraisers and Halloween Carnivals. This time, it is about one of my children.....and a teacher. I love teachers. I want to be a teacher. I am sympathetic to what teachers go through everyday. But this week something changed. This week I found out my child had received several 0's on assignments and she was not going to budge. While meeting with the teacher, the teacher had the audacity to turn to my child and ask if there was something going on at home that was causing this--while my husband and I sat there. A couple days previous this teacher and another teacher told my son to quite lying about his homework. WHAT?!! This kid is just about as sweet as you come. He's the one who ran to the door to open it for an elderly lady.

I am angry. This same boy didn't eat lunch a couple days ago because the teacher's aide told him he couldn't use the school's spoons; that he needed to bring one home. No worries, I called the school and they are making sure that doesn't happen again. So, I'm frustrated, mad, and in disbelief. In our school district, we have school of choice. I could pull my child out and send him to another school if I wanted....but he's happy here and I think to myself, "He just needs to get through the year. It's only this grade." Wish me luck in the principal's office and thank you for letting my dump.

yikes! i'm curious how the principal's office will go
No. I'm just talkin' about there are some good teachers, and there are some that aren't. And my kids have each had one of those that aren't. And it was devastating to them. And I couldn't stand it. And now we homeschool. I hope you got things settled with the principal.
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