We've moved! And I'm sorta mostly unpacked. Feels great. Then we get a text from our tenants in Idaho. Our basement is flooding. We're not talking moist carpet, we're talking flash flooding. 10 inches of water in one night.
(picture source: waterfirerestorationatlanta.com)
I've been on the phone all day. We don't have flood insurance. Why would we? We're nowhere near a river or lake.
The farmer that was flood irrigating says his insurance won't cover it. My tenants gave us an 8-day notice that they
will NOT be returning to the home. I'm hopeful that it will all work out, but I'm terrified of the road I will have to take
to get there.
I must say, I have done some great projects since moving in. I even took some pictures. Unfortunately, because
of the events of the day, I haven't uploaded them to my computer. But I do want you to know that I want to find joy
and being creative brings joy so despite my life's stresses, when I do finally get off the phone, I will upload those pictures and show you what a couple bucks can get you.
In the meantime--anybody looking for an inexpensive home for rent in Rexburg, ID? The upstairs is in great shape!

Hi, Lyndee. I had a post early this morning that you might want to check out. ;) (hint hint: the title has something to do with a Giveaway). :)
Oh my gosh, Lyndee! What a hassle! So sorry and hope it is resolved soon. Glad you are moved into your place. Looking forward to seeing your projects!
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