Friday, April 1, 2011

My View...on makeup

I am a Bzz Agent. Don't know what that is. Check it out at To start out, you take some surveys so they can see your areas of interest. Based on your answers, you will be contacted to try out certain products. I've done Elmer's, Welch's, and now Loreal. Follow me as I experiment with the product...

WARNING! Pictures may not be suitable for everyone. Content is scary.


Yes. This is me at 6:50am. Don't be afraid. I do improve with time.


Taking off the glasses to put on some make-up. Why did I put the glasses on in the 1st place? I had to find my camera.

So, here's the make-up. It looks pretty cool.


See, it's mainstream stuff. New stuff! Stuff I've never tried before cause I'm so cheap.

The eyeshadow is interesting. You use the brush to get all three colors on at once and then sweep it across your eyes.


I had to do a couple applications to make the color show up better. Maybe I'm just not doing it correctly. I like the concept, but my execution of it is another thing.

Here are the eyes:


Okay, I'm not seeing anything. Hmmmm....

So, the mascara...


Pretty cool, I have to say. Step one is applying the regular coat of mascara. Nothing too special about this. Step two, use the other side of the mascara and you get GLIMMER. Oh, yeah. I felt so glamorous.


So here's the final picture. I've still got sleepy eyes and my hair is crazy.


I'm not sure if I had added eyeliner at this point or not. Either way, if I was going for the casual, I'm not wearing make-up look, I would say this is the way to go. I'll have to play with it more to see if I can make it work better. Anybody else have any experience with these specific makeup items?





I've never noticed my crows feet before.  Interesting.....  Free skin cream anyone?

A few days later (now that I'm getting the hang of it):


Mental note to self....clear the clutter in the background before taking pictures for the world to see...



Brooke Anna @ Mommy Does... said...

Hahahaha! I love your execution of this post ;D.
I feel like I'm talking to a friend!
I am TOO cheap to buy either one of them, but at least you could try it out for free! Woop!

Brooke Anna @ Mommy Does... said...

Hey Lyndee! Just thought I would let you know that you have a little part of your blog button HTML that is causing a 404 HTTP Error. There are two...~~~~http://'s~~~~ I changed it in my HTML and it went to your blog then.

Stacy Risenmay said...

I love it! Especially about clearing the clutter before taking a picture :)
Thanks for linking up!