Oh! My! Jeepers! I keep on hoping life will slow down and I can take a minute to breathe, but it just hasn't happened yet. Life keeps on moving and I've got to keep up.
I've given a couple hints in past blog posts about some projects I've been up to. The kids are sleeping and I've got a minute so I figured there was no better time to share.
I found this super cool piece at a yard sale. You want to know how much this table (which once held a sewing machine, but the machine is nowhere to be found) set me back? $2. Yep, you read that right. It cost me $2. Why did I get such a fantastic deal. I found this table at the end of the yard sale day and the owners were just wanting to get rid of everything. I probably could have said $1 and they would have let me have it, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. So if you want some great yard sale advice, go out around noon. You might miss out on some great pieces, but you'll never know they existed, so it won't hurt so bad. Instead, you'll be left with salers wanting to get rid of everything before they truck to the thrift store. Another piece of advice, don't be afraid to offer less. If they say, "No," than no big deal. What have you lost. I often have gotten things at 50% or more off the price they have listed.

I pulled out the spray paint that I had used on my headboard
and my candy jar
And got to work. My first step was to protect the hardware.

Luckily, I had been unpacking some boxes so already knew where my painters tape was. I was even good and waited a couple minutes in-between paint coats.

A nice, dark, rich brown. Yum!
So it looked great as is, but being a follower of a great number of wonderful blogs, it's was difficult to stop here. SO, I pulled out some more painters tape and a picked up another can of spray paint.

(tape was coming off)
There wasn't much paint in the can, so I had to plan carefully what I wanted to do. First step, call hubby who happened to be in a store where paint was available. Told him what I needed and he called back to say there wasn't anymore (even had them check in the back). I wasn't going to let that deter me. I decided to spray until I could spray no longer.

In retrospect, I really should have covered the sides and top, but I was fortunate enough not to have too much of the paint go where it wasn't supposed to go.

That's it--the paint ran out. Luckily for me, I was able to get a solid coating on at least this one section. I really am pleased with how it turned out. It adds a bit more interest by having the stripes.

Do you see those lines under the table? That's where my dresser used to be. Want to see where it is now?

Can you believe I painted that dresser and never even blogged about it?!! I will try to get better. Sometimes I just get so excited about a project that I don't think to take pictures. What fun is a blog post without pictures?!! And FYI, I am aware that the quality of my pictures is lacking in this post, but it was a super bright day and I if I didn't take the pictures then, I wouldn't have pictures to take. SO! I apologize and I will work on the timing of my pictures and try to be more patient so you can get a better view of the process.

Oh my gosh! Terrific deal and even better result! I love it and it looks terrific by your bed. Cute dresser too!
Fun idea!
Great tip o go out at noon. I'll have to try that! Thanks for linking up with DIY under $5!
It turned out so cute!! And I totally did the make something cute and forget to take a picture of it today! But it was a birthday present and I didn't remember to take a picture until after I already wrapped it! haha, oh well!
Me too! I get an idea and go, and then it's done with nary a picture...can't blog about it with out a picture!
You are so right about going at noon! I went at 11:45 today and it was embarrassing the amount of stuff I got for $5. Not to mention the yard sale lady giving me a peek at one of the cutest laundry rooms I've ever seen!
I love the stripes- so fresh!
Thanks for playing along to "Name That House!"
Kerry at housetalkn.blogspot.com
What a great table!!!
What a treasure! You did a beautiful job restoring the table. I love the stripes. Great tips on garage sale strategies too!
Thank you so much for linking up to "A Little Birdie Told Me..."!
You got a steal of a deal!!! That inspires me to be more patient with my yard saling!
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